Obenkyo and Creative Commons contents (V4)

Comme d’habiture, j’ai oublié de faire un post pour créditer le travail de ceux qui m’ont tant offert pour permettre à Obenkyo d’exister ? Tout ça grâce à la licence Creative Commons !

Voici la listes des projets sur lesquels Obenkyo est basé:

– KanjiVG – dessin de tous les kanji (base volontairement limité aux JLPT 1-5 et niveaux scolaires 1-8. Les informations ont parfois étés modifiés pour faciliter l’algorithme de dessin : ajout de tags, de dessins alternatifs …) – si vous voulez que j’ajoute d’autres kanji, laissez un message ou envoyez moi un mail.

– KanjiDict – Traductions, lectures, et informations des Kanji (Français, Allemand, Anglais et Espagnol)

– EDict – Ecriture, traductions et lectures du vocabulaire et tags d’information (pour le moment inutilisé, mais j’ai codifié chaque information sous la forme d’une lettre pour gagner de l’espace : verb = u …)

– JFrench – Traductions françaises du vocabulaire

– Tatoeba – Phrases et leurs traductions modifiés pour identifier les kanji, les mots en Hiragana, et les particules dans les phrases

– Tanos – Les informations ne sont pas sous CC, mais j’ai eu l’autorisation de les utiliser : découpage des JLPT pour les kanji et pour le vocabulaire

Guide de grammaire Japonaise de Tae Kim – formidable guide de grammaire en CC traduit dans de nombreuses langues

– Icones pour valider/annuler les dessin modifiées de wikimedia (du travail de David Vignoni)

– Predicate Layout from Henrik Gustafsson (non changé)

– petites diodes permettant d’afficher le niveau actuel dans la page de vocabulaire provenant de Modernl (travail de Stuart Brown)

Et voici les fichiers

Fichier de base de données

Extraction de Kanjivg pour les Kana (en dehors de la base de données car plus compliqué à l’y intégrer

Icones modifiés du travail de David Vignoni

Pages du guide de Tae Kim’s guide en HTML modifiés pour un usage sur mobile/tablette (format modifié pour éviter les scrolls horizontaux pour faciliter le swite et changement des hyperlien en javascript)

Merci encore à toutes les personnes qui ont participé à ces projets, et je vous encourrage à participer à ces projets par n’importe quel moyen.As always, I forget to update the credits to thoses that allows Obenkyo to exist because of the Creative Commons licence.

Here is the project Obenkyo is based on:

– KanjiVG – Kanji Drawings (database limited to JLPT 1-5 & school levels 1-8. and some data modified to fit the drawing algorithm : added some tags, alternative view, …) – if you need other kanji, you can ask me to add them

– KanjiDict – Translation, readings and kanji information (French, English, German and Spanish)

– EDict – writing, translation and readings on the vocabulary and information tags (for now not used but I have coded this information to gain some space : verb = u …)

– JFrench – French translation of the vocabulary

– Tatoeba – Sentences and it’s translation modified to identify the kanji, katakana words and particles in sentences

– Tanos – Data is not under CC, but I got the authorisation to use the JLPT repartiton of kanji and Vocabulary

– Tae Kim’s grammar guide – Great CC guide translated in many languages

– Icons for drawing modified from wikimedia (fom David Vignoni work)

– Predicate Layout from Henrik Gustafsson (not changed)

– Small LED to show the actual level in vocabulary page from Modernl (from Stuart Brown work)

And here are the files:

DB File

Traductions extraction(French, English, German and Spanish) from KanjiDict

KanjiVg Extraction for kana

Tae Kim’s guide html pages in De,En,Es,Fi,Fr,Pt,Ru modified to fit into Android (layout changed to prevent horizontal scroll to help swipe & change hyperlink to javascript handle).

Icons modified from David Vignoni work

Once again, I want to thank everyone that are working on theses projects and to encourage everyone to help them in any means possible.

Une réflexion sur “ Obenkyo and Creative Commons contents (V4) ”

  1. Is there a way to add kanji to the database, or possibly pull entries from a user-defined database in addition to the built-in one? Maybe it could be another way to select besides JLPT/Grade

    1. Hi Matt,

      Concerning Kanji it would be pretty hard to add one, but send me the list of kanji you want to see added and I can add them for the next update.

      I am thinking of ways to have the full KanjiVG database with a sideloading … but not in short term 🙂

  2. Hello,

    What do you think about passing obenkyo on an open source licence?

    It would be nice to suggest patch or features :p

    1. hi Bump,

      You are not the first one to ask for it, and I must admit, that the main reason why Obenkyo is not open sourced, is the little shame concerning the quality of the code.

      Obenkyo is my first Android/Java/OO project (I work as an ABAP developer that is more akin to script languages than OO ones), and right now the code is a mess.

      I have a project for a long time now that I have to work back on, to open source the most important part of the code : the KanjiDraw View that I have created almost from scratch, and the recognition algorithm. I believe that it is the most « interresting » part of the code, and the one where external input could really transform the usability of the app (and the users input with the « report error » give me a goldmine of usage test to test the changes !).

      But I am sorry to say that you should not expect it to be « soon » since the time I can give to Obenkyo seems to go thin recently ^^;
      But it is something I would love to do, even only to repay KanjiVG team of the great work they have done !

  3. Hello,

    I have a collection of sound files for japanese words. I’m not pretty sure about its origin and it’s license, so I’m not sure that it is acceptable to distribute it with Obenkyo, but it would be perfect if there would be feature allowing playing such files during test. I think in will help remembering of reading. Is it possible to implement such thing in any way?

    1. Hi,

      thanks but I would rather have an open licence or to get the authorisation for it :/

      Maintly out of respect for the huge job, I would not be able to do myself (well my French accent would very usefull I fear :p )

      I will try to contact Japanesepod101.com that provide sound data for wwwjdict … we will see 🙂

      thanks anyway

  4. One more question. In particle test, there is one interesting feature:
    ability to show reading on dictionary kanji words. Do you make it automatically or by hand for each work? If first, it could be intersting as separate application or section for reading training.

    1. Unfortunately, no, I had to add them by hand (with the help of the Tatoeba project that populated it actually).

      So it would not be possible :/

      And I agree with you … it would be VERY helpfull :p

    1. I have to see how I could implement this kind of thing :/

      But since right now I am on a brand new app, I don’t have much time … and it’s crazy at work right now …

      I hope you will like the new app 😉

    1. what do you want to translate ?

      If you want to translate the Tae Kim’s Guide, go on his web site ( http://www.guidetojapanese.org/forum/ ), if you want to help for vocabulary & kanji, right now the code does not allow to add other languages (it will change, but really don’t have time recently to work on the app ^^;; ).

      Sorry ^^

  5. Hello Atomusk,
    thanks for all the effort you are putting in this project firstly. And then I would like to ask you if you are going to improve the custom lists side of your app. It would be great to be able to add words from the quizzes directly to a list.
    P.S. Little push to make it open source. either way is ok as long as you keep hearing from us anyway

    1. Hi,

      Thank you for your support 🙂

      Concerning the abilty to add words to a custom list, I do like the idea but right now it is not my priority.

      There is much I want to do right now, and very very little time ^^

      Concerning the OpenSource, I must say that I consider pushing the drawing recognition as open source, but .. I must find some time to work on this ^^;

      Thanks again 🙂

  6. Hi,
    First I would like to thank you for creating such a wonderful app! I am using the remembering the kanji classification of the kanjis, since I’m learning them using the Heisig method. The thing is that in the application you use the old classification instead of the new one that came up around 2010 (I’m using the new edition of Heisig’s book). What do you think? is it possible to update the classification? if it’s too much work for you I can offer updating it myself(I’m also an android programmer).
    Again, thank you for the great app,

  7. Hello, after not wanting to bother you for months, I’ll ask. How do you determine the order of the Kanji shown? Is it from a standard list somewhere? [Is there a way to make a back up of the ordered lists by levels or school grades in case I do some weird thing and rearrange the characters by accident?] I am loving the order of the Kanji – I want to be able to print a list – of the Kanji and the vocabulary – the « write each word 5 times » thing on top of the quizzes. I hope that was clear – I have a hard time putting what I want into words orz.

    1. Sorry for the late reply (your comment was burried under 20 unvalidated « spam comments »)
      I am using the KanjiDict database : http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/kanjidic.html
      And I have a field with this value : « the rank-order frequency of occurrence of the kanji in Japanese »

      So, I group by JLPT (or other group you set in settings), and sort with this value (well, I give numbers a little boost so that they always appear first ). I am not sure I understand what you mean by « Is there a way to make a back up of the ordered lists by levels or school grades in case I do some weird thing and rearrange the characters by accident? ». One way to get the ordered list I use would be to export personnal lists chapter by chapter and mix them in Excel.

      For the vocabulary order I think I find in the word the kanji with the smallest rank and attach the rank to the word. This way I get the words with more frequent kanji first. It’s not a bulletproof method, but I like the result.

  8. Thank you very much for replying!

    Arranging by frequency of usage and boosting the numbers – that is actually very clever :D. The obenkyo order seemed more logical.

    I didn’t know we could export lists! I don’t see that option on my LG L7 but when I got the app on my brother’s Samsung tablet, it’s present. I tried to save the list and export and it says it’s saving it on the « SD card » (i have a micro sd inside), but I can’t find it when I connected the tab to my pc and tried to look for the .txt files in the microSD card. Will try a few more things.

  9. edit: I found the import/export functions in my LG L7. I still can’t find the exported lists in my sd card or onboard memory. like, no .txt files, it’s not in the obenkyo folder either. I’ll try a few more things.

    1. Well, you should have a « Obenkyo_data » folder on your SD Card or in your local storage. The file should be inside :/

  10. I looked around using the polaris file reader and found the files. They mysteriously don’t appear on my PC when I search the Obenkyo_data folder. I just emailed myself the 12 files from my phone to PC and I can open them now :D. very primitive though. I think it’s something wrong on my side.

    I had to click around a few things in the LG phone whereas the tablet had a bigger screen and the export/load/save thing was all clearly visible – http://i.imgur.com/l9YWX.jpg

    The text file I sent myself – exactly what I wanted for months 😀 – http://i.imgur.com/80U1x.png

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